Video Games
Choose from the newest games for Wii, Xbox 1 & PS4. Our new truss system has 4 flat screen monitors, allowing 16 guests to play at a time!Video Games
We have your choice of all the newest games for Wii, Xbox 1 and PS4. Our new truss system has 4 flat screen monitors, allowing up to 16 guests to play at a time!
- Wii, Xbox, Kinect, & Playstation
- Games include:
- Super Smash Brothers Brawl
- NBA 2k17
- Madden
- Guitar Hero
- Rock Band 2
- Dance Dance Revolution
- ... and more!
- Let us know which games you have in mind
- Contact us for details

Frequently Used Together

Arcade Games
Save big by combining Table Games and Arcade Games and bring the addicting sights and sounds of retro arcades to your party.